Buses from Liniers to Rosario

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Bus trip Liniers ↔ Rosario: Travel summary and data

Salidas diarias
Aprox. 23
horas de salida
13:50 - 13:50
Precio y valor del pasaje
Aprox. $
Duración del viaje
Aprox. 04:30

Travel route map Liniers - Rosario

Comprar pasajes saliendo de Liniers a Rosario. Pasajes baratos a Rosario en bus precio y horario desde Liniers.

Means of payment:

Medios y formas de pago Medios y formas de pago

About buying with Ticket Online

Are you looking for bus tickets from Liniers to Rosario round-trip? With TicketOnline you can search through the main Argentinian bus companies. You will be able to buy online at the best prices available, your bus tickets to Rosario and to choose the time at the lowest price. The purchase is absolutely secure and reliable, and we guarantee you the best prices on bus tickets from Liniers by bus, to Rosario. You can buy your ticket at the top of this page Thank you for choosing TicketOnline.

Buses → Liniers - Rosario:

Pasajes baratos a Rosario en bus precio y horario desde Liniers.

Information about Liniers:

In this section you can buy your tickets from Liniers to Rosario.

Liniers is a neighborhood of the City of Buenos Aires, is located west of the city, bordering the neighborhoods of Ciudadela and Mataderos. The neighborhood has an estimated population of more than 40,000 inhabitants.

A curiosity of this neighborhood, is that it has its own terminal, the Liniers Terminal, located on General Paz Avenue, just on the border with the Province of Buenos Aires, although it is small compared to the Retiro Terminal (the largest in it it is possible to buy tickets from more than 50 different micro companies.

Another curiosity of Liniers is that it has the main venue and stadium (Amalfitani) of the popular Argentine soccer team, Vélez Sarsfield. Some popular points of liniers are, the Rivadavia Avenue, the Liniers Shopping Center, the Plaza Coronel Martín Irigoyen and the Plaza Sargento Cabral.

It is possible to travel with long distance bus companies: Andesmar, Cóndor Estrella, El Cóndor, El Valle and Plusmar, among other companies.

Here are some tips if you plan to travel to Liniers:

- You can get there by bus or train (from some locations)

- A not well known place is the Bolivian Fair of Liniers (also called Mercado Andino)

- We assume that if you travel to Liniers you have already visited the nearby neighborhoods and the City of Buenos Aires, if you have not already done so, DO IT!

Information about Rosario:

Rosario is the most populated city of the province of Santa Fe, which is the third most populated province in the country, in the city of Rosario alone, there is an estimated population of 1.4 million inhabitants, and in the entire province there is an estimated of 3.4 million inhabitants.

The Province of Santa Fe is located to the northwest of Buenos Aires, and to the east of the Province of Córdoba, so it is common that Rosario receives many visitors from both provinces. In turn, the city of Rosario, is located in the southeast of the province, practically bordering the Province of Entre Ríos, separated by the famous Paraná River.

Some of the most visited attractions of the city are: Monumento a la Bandera, Teatro El Círculo, Parque Nacional a la Bandera and Parque España, among other local landmarks. When traveling to Rosario, it's common to visit other locations near the city such as: Santa Fe, Paraná, Villa María, Rafaela, Venado Tuerto, Pergamino and the City of Buenos Aires.

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