Buses from Mendoza to Junín

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Bus trip Mendoza ↔ Junín: Travel summary and data

Salidas diarias
Aprox. 5
horas de salida
17:00 - 20:00
Precio y valor del pasaje
Aprox. $
Duración del viaje
Aprox. 09:50

Travel route map Mendoza - Junín

Comprar pasajes saliendo de Mendoza a Junín. Pasajes baratos a Junín, Buenos Aires en bus precio y horario desde Mendoza.

Means of payment:

Medios y formas de pago Medios y formas de pago

About buying with Ticket Online

Are you looking for bus tickets from Mendoza to Junín round-trip? With TicketOnline you can search through the main Argentinian bus companies. You will be able to buy online at the best prices available, your bus tickets to Junín and to choose the time at the lowest price. The purchase is absolutely secure and reliable, and we guarantee you the best prices on bus tickets from Mendoza by bus, to Junín. You can buy your ticket at the top of this page Thank you for choosing TicketOnline.

Buses → Mendoza - Junín:

Pasajes baratos a Junín, Buenos Aires en bus precio y horario desde Mendoza.

Information about Mendoza:

In this section you can find interesting information about traveling by bus to (and from) the City of Junín, data such as: ticket prices, availability of tickets, arrival time, departure time, most requested destinations to and from the City of Junín, most requested long distance bus companies, compare company prices, select category, trip duration, route and more.

Junín is an Argentine town, located in the center of the country, in turn, is located in the north of the Province of Buenos Aires, about 250 kilometers (west) away from the City of Buenos Aires. Some of the most requested routes to and from Junín are: Junín - Buenos Aires, Junín - Tandil, Junín - Bahía Blanca, Junín - Mar del Plata and Junín - Mendoza, among other routes.

Junín is a city considered as a tourist, financial and administrative center of the Province of Buenos Aires, it is a town that receives a large number of travelers, naturally it has a very good tourist, hotel and gastronomic offer. Some of the most popular tourist attractions in Junín are: Laguna de Gómez Natural Park, Borchex Municipal Park, Junín Historical Museum and Millennium Fountain, among other points of interest.

Some of the most requested companies for the Mendoza - Junín, Buenos Aires tour are: CATA, Chevallier and El Rápido Internacional, among other companies.

Information about Junín:

Mendoza is an Argentine town located in the center-west of the country, in the Cuyo region, practically bordering with Chile, separated by the Andes Mountains. Some of the most requested routes to and from Mendoza are: Mendoza - Buenos Aires, Mendoza - Córdoba, Mendoza - Mar del Plata, Mendoza - San Juan, Mendoza - San Luis, Mendoza - San Rafael and Mendoza - Neuquén, among other routes.

Mendoza is one of the most visited localities in the whole country, it is considered as a financial, tourist, administrative and educational center, not only of which, but at the country level. The tourism industry in Mendoza has been growing over the years, especially in these last two decades, there has been a widespread and stable increase in the number of travelers who decide to visit this beautiful town.

Some of the most requested companies for the Mendoza - Junín, Buenos Aires tour are: CATA, Chevallier and El Rápido Internacional, among other companies.

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