Buses from Posadas to Tucumán

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Bus trip Posadas ↔ Tucumán: Travel summary and data

Salidas diarias
Aprox. 2
horas de salida
16:00 - 16:00
Precio y valor del pasaje
Aprox. $
Duración del viaje
Aprox. 16:30

Travel route map Posadas - Tucumán

Comprar pasajes saliendo de Posadas a Tucumán. Pasajes baratos a Tucumán en bus precio y horario desde Posadas.

Means of payment:

Medios y formas de pago Medios y formas de pago

About buying with Ticket Online

Are you looking for bus tickets from Posadas to Tucumán round-trip? With TicketOnline you can search through the main Argentinian bus companies. You will be able to buy online at the best prices available, your bus tickets to Tucumán and to choose the time at the lowest price. The purchase is absolutely secure and reliable, and we guarantee you the best prices on bus tickets from Posadas by bus, to Tucumán. You can buy your ticket at the top of this page Thank you for choosing TicketOnline.

Buses → Posadas - Tucumán:

Pasajes baratos a Tucumán en bus precio y horario desde Posadas.

Information about Posadas:

The city of Posadas is the capital of the Province of Misiones. Misiones is in the extreme northwest of the country, while Posadas, in turn, is in the extreme north of Misiones, bordering Paraguay, separated by the Paraná River, and very close to the Paraguayan city of Encarnación. Posadas has around 270,000 inhabitants.

Some localities near Posadas are: Apóstoles, Oberá, Leandro N. Alem, Ituzaingó, Puerto Iguazú and San Vicente, and also some localities in Paraguay such as; Fram, Encarnacion, Obligado and Yuti.

Since around the year 2000, tourism in the city of Posadas has only been increasing and it is one of the most visited cities in Argentina. Some of the most visited and popular points of Posadas are: Plaza 9 de Julio, the Cathedral Church of Posadas, Plaza San Martín, the popular Costanera, different tours of the Paraná River and the Andrés Guazurari Monument, among many other tourist attractions .

It is also very popular to carry out different tours and visits to different nature reserves (such as the San Antonio Strict Reserve) and ruins.

The distance between the City of Buenos Aires and the City of Posadas, traveling by bus, is approximately 1000 kilometers.

We offer you some tips if you plan to travel to Posadas:

- We recommend visiting El Camino del Mensú and The Jesuit Missions route

- A recommended and not so well-known route is La Yerba Mate Route

- We recommend visiting the national parks, and if you travel to Posadas, visit those of Brazil, due to the proximity

- It is also popular to visit cities like Salta and Jujuy due to the proximity

We provide you with some information about the departures to the City of Buenos Aires from Posadas:

It is possible to travel (from the Posadas Terminal) with the long-distance bus companies: Andesmar, Expreso Singer, Río Uruguay, Tigre Iguazú and Vía Bariloche, among other companies.

Information about Tucumán:

The Province of Buenos Aires is one of the twenty-three provinces of Argentina, and it is located in the central-western region of the country. The City of Buenos Aires is the capital of the country, and at the same time the capital city of the Province of Buenos Aires, is the city of La Plata. It should be noted that the City of Buenos Aires, is the city that receives the largest number of visitors in the country, by a major difference, and also the most populated. There's more than 15 million inhabitants, this, in terms of percentages, represents 40% of the country's population.

Most of the population and tourism are concentrated in the urban core of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, also known as CABA or Bs. As. Another interesting fact about Buenos Aires, is that it's the third most populated city of Latin America, with more than 15 million inhabitants, only behind Mexico City and São Paulo (Brazil).

Some of the most popular and most visited points and touristic attractions of the City of Buenos Aires are: Catedral Metropolitana, Basílica del Santísimo Sacramento, Teatro Colón, Bosques de Palermo, MALBA, neighbourhoods such as Palermo and Recoleta, the Avenida (avenue) 9 de Julio (where the iconic Obelisco is located) and the Parque 3 de Febrero, among others local landmarks.

The Retiro Bus Terminal, during high season, is estimated to receive around 2,000 buses daily, both from destinations within the country, and from international destinations.

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