Buses from Liniers to Las Grutas

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Bus trip Liniers ↔ Las Grutas: Travel summary and data

Salidas diarias
Aprox. 3
horas de salida
19:45 - 19:45
Precio y valor del pasaje
Aprox. $3850.00
Duración del viaje
Aprox. 14:10

Travel route map Liniers - Las Grutas

Comprar pasajes saliendo de Liniers a Las Grutas. Pasajes baratos a Las Grutas en bus precio y horario desde Liniers.

Means of payment:

Medios y formas de pago Medios y formas de pago

About buying with Ticket Online

Are you looking for bus tickets from Liniers to Las Grutas round-trip? With TicketOnline you can search through the main Argentinian bus companies. You will be able to buy online at the best prices available, your bus tickets to Las Grutas and to choose the time at the lowest price. The purchase is absolutely secure and reliable, and we guarantee you the best prices on bus tickets from Liniers by bus, to Las Grutas. You can buy your ticket at the top of this page Thank you for choosing TicketOnline.

Buses → Liniers - Las Grutas:

Pasajes baratos a Las Grutas en bus precio y horario desde Liniers.

Information about Liniers:

In this section you can find interesting information, if you plan to travel by bus, about Liniers, such as: price of tickets, reservation of tickets (and also check availability), departure and arrival times of buses, most requested destinations from and to Liniers, most requested companies, see different service categories (Bed, Semi-Bed, Total Bed, etc), travel time, route map and other information of interest.

Liniers is a neighborhood that is located within the City of Buenos Aires, just on the border with Greater Buenos Aires, and also limiting the neighborhoods of Ciudadela, Versailles and Mataderos, among others. Some of the most requested destinations that include the district (and terminal) of Liniers are: Liniers - Mar del Plata, Liniers - Mendoza, Mar del Plata - Liniers, Liniers - Villa Gesell, Liniers - San Luis and Liniers - Rosario, among others very popular routes.

Although especially the district of Liniers is not known for receiving a large number of tourists, being within the City of Buenos Aires, receives a good flow of travelers who decide to visit the city (remember that Buenos Aires receives more than 10 millions of tourists annually), and different proposals are currently being studied to increase the number of travelers even more.

Some of the most requested companies to cover the Liniers - Las Grutas route are: Andesmar, Tramat and Vía Bariloche.

Here you can find information about the Bus Terminal of Liniers.

Information about Las Grutas:

In this section you can find interesting information, if you plan to travel by bus, about Las Grutas, such as: price of tickets, reservation of tickets (and also check availability), departure and arrival times of buses, most requested destinations from and towards Las Grutas, the most requested companies, see different service categories (Bed, Semi-Bed, Total Bed, etc), travel time, route map and other information of interest.

Las Grutas is a small Argentine town located in the southeast of the Province of Río Negro, in the Patagonian region of Argentina. Some of the most requested routes to and from Las Grutas are: Buenos Aires - Las Grutas, Neuquén - Las Grutas, Cordoba - Las Grutas, Liniers - Las Grutas, Las Grutas - Viedma, Las Grutas - Bariloche, among other tours.

Las Grutas is a very small town (according to recent censuses, it has less than 5,000 inhabitants) but especially attractive for Argentine tourists, because it has warm waters in its spas, despite being in a "cold region" of Argentina, this it is due to a climatic phenomenon that occurs in this locality, which makes this a very special locality.

Some of the most requested companies to cover the Liniers - Las Grutas route are: Andesmar, Tramat and Vía Bariloche.

Here you can find information about the Bus Terminal of Las Grutas.

Weather in Liniers

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